Afternoon Tea UCSC
Feb 28th, 2025
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Afternoon Tea with UCSC - Black History and Affini-Tea


6030 S Ellis Ave

Afternoon Tea with UCSC - Black History and Affini-Tea

"Everything dope about America comes from Chicago." - Sherman Dilla Thomas, Chicago Urban Historian

It's a bold claim, and if you've done a little digging you'll know there's a lot of truth to it. Blood banks, spray paint, the automatic dishwasher, vacuum cleaners, the Wienermobile?! All trace their roots to Chicago. 

Another Chicago invention you've certainly heard of but might not know as Chicago grown: Black History Month. 

Carter G. Woodson, University of Chicago graduate and founder of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, came up with the idea in 1926.

Join UCSC this Friday for an Afternoon Tea discussing Woodson, Black History Month, and the importance of affinity. 

And, of course, tea and cookies will be served!

About Afternoon Tea with UCSC: Join us for weekly conversations about Chicago, civic engagement, and social change. These lightly-facilitated roundtables happen weekly and feature guest speakers, learning and reflection space, and social networking conversation over tea and other hot beverages, cookies, and snacks. Open to all students.